799,000Đào tạo 5 hoặc nhiều người hơn?
Cung cấp quyền truy cập cho đội của bạn đến những khoá học hàng đầu?
Direct benefits:
How to have a right mindset to achieve a goal.
Identify what scholarship to apply.
Identify the action plan to achieve a full scholarship.
How to write an effective outstanding essay.
How to get recommendation letter.
How to prepare before going abroad.
How to deal with loneliness abroad.
How to prepare to come back and re-adopt in your own country.
Indirect benefits:
Self-awareness: Understand more about yourself.
Self-values: Appreciate yourself.
Gain clarity on why do you want to achieve a goal such as a full scholarship.
Think bigger for yourself.
Develop a growth and service mindset - the mindset of successful people.
Identify detailed steps to achieve a goal especially a scholarship.
Gain motivation and commitment to take daily action.
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