
SOLANA Development Course

✨Welcome to the best starting point for developers looking to learn web3 and blockchain!✨

✅ Solana allows people to transact directly with each other instantly at almost no cost.

Compared to older platforms like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Solana is:

  • Significantly faster - most transactions complete in a second or two.
  • Massively cheaper - transaction fees (referred to as 'gas fees' in older networks) are typically $0.00025 (much less than one penny) regardless of the value of what's being transferred.
  • Highly decentralized, having one of the highest Nakamoto coefficients (decentralization score) of any proof-of-stake network.

Many of the common use cases on Solana are only possible on Solana, due to the high costs and slow translation times of older blockchains



Medoo  Instructor

Medoo Instructor

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Đào tạo 5 hoặc nhiều người hơn?

Cung cấp quyền truy cập cho đội của bạn đến những khoá học hàng đầu?

Bạn sẽ học được những gì

How To Read Data From The Network

How To Write Data To The Network

Frontend integration with WalletAdapter

Serializing Instruction Data

Deserializing Custom Account Data

Efficient Querying of Account Data

Những kỹ năng bạn sẽ đạt được

DevelopmentBasic of SolanaLập trình Blockchain

Nội dung

0 chương

0 Bài học

0 giờ 0 phút

Mở rộng tất cả

Quản trị viên

Medoo  Instructor

Medoo Instructor

Đánh giá


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