
SOLANA for Beginners

For the last several years, you’ve probably heard quite a bit about the blockchain… but it’s very easy to get lost. It can sound a lot like people are speaking another language!

✅ There are a few different blockchain protocols that people can use, such as Solana, Bitcoin, and many, many others. People can use blockchain technology as a way to store data, value, and — in the case of Solana and certain other protocols, run programs.

👉🏻Let's begin with us, you’re taking the first step towards learning Solana.



Medoo  Instructor

Medoo Instructor

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Đào tạo 5 hoặc nhiều người hơn?

Cung cấp quyền truy cập cho đội của bạn đến những khoá học hàng đầu?

Bạn sẽ học được những gì

Introduction to Solana

Build Your First Program

Introduction to Staking and Defi

Defi Expanded

Arbitrage and Advanced Programs

Oracles, Clockwork, and Randomness

Solana Pay

Những kỹ năng bạn sẽ đạt được

Đọc hiểu cơ bản các thuật ngữ về lĩnh vực blockchainBasic of Solana

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Medoo  Instructor

Medoo Instructor

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